What is access control policy in an organization?


Last Updated on September 26, 2024 by Ranga

The Physical Access Control Policy is designed to manage the movement of people and vehicles as they enter and exit the site. While there are various methods and levels of implementation, the core principle remains the same: ensuring secure and controlled access at all times.

Who develops Access control policy;

The security manager, along with other members of the management team, collaborates to develop a tailored access control policy for the site. Security staff must have an in-depth understanding of this policy to effectively manage access control operations.

What contains the physical access control policy?

  • How site users are categorized e.g. visitor, employee, etc.
  • Permission levels granted to a category of a site user
  • Identification requirements
  • Progression routes through the access control point
  • Access logging requirements
  • Incident escalation procedures
  1. Access permission: The key card is issued to an authorized person
    • Who?
    • Where?
    • When?
  2. Identity verification: the card reader recognizes the signal emitted by the key card as correct for that location
    •  Positive ID
    • Legitimate holder
  3. Controlled entry: Electronic lock releases allowing the key cardholder to pass through.
    • Barriers opened
    • Progression permitted

Access control roles and responsibilities 


Security staff working at the Access Control Point have varied roles depending on the size of the ACP, the technology in place, and the number of guards on duty.

If multiple security guards are handling the same tasks, some roles may overlap or be unnecessary. However, you must be fully competent in performing all tasks manually when required.

Here are the three main roles of a security guard at the Access Control Point:

  1. Movement controller

  • Controlling the flow of people or vehicles into the ACP
  • Pre-screening of site users, directing different categories of the user to the appropriate area within the access control zone.
  •  Maintaining order at the approaches to the ACP
  • Identification and early detection of possible security threats

2. Access controller

  • Inspecting ID
  •  Verifying access permission including;
    • Visitor pre-approval lists
    •  Contractor work orders
    •  Staff access permission
  • Delivery confirmation
  • Issuing badges and passes
  • Logging details of site users granted entry
  • Organizing escorts as required

3. Escort

  • Direct supervision of visitor movements
  • Monitoring of actions and activities carried out by contractors or maintenance teams
  • Communication with the security control room on location and movements
  • Returning visitors and other unauthorized site users to the ACP for outward processing

4. Entry control point supervisor duties and responsibilities;

The Access Control Supervisor oversees the entire security operation at the ACP, carrying out the following key duties:

  • Coordinating duty rotations within the ACP
  • Ensuring that staff strictly enforce the access control policy
  •  Addressing and resolving complex access issues
  • Preparing detailed incident reports


The physical access control policy serves as essential guidance for security guards operating at the ACP.

In today’s complex security environment, organizations rely on modern technology to manage the movement of people, property, and information, making it crucial for security personnel to follow these policies closely.

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