traffic management training for security and police.


Last Updated on December 21, 2021 by Ranga

The traffic refers to the passages of people or vehicles in the designed routes. Security staff should know the site traffic management plan and what is required to enforce it. Security personnel should responsible for the safe movement of traffic in the workplace.

Site traffic management plan

Although the site traffic management plan produced by HSE officer or the security manager, you should know the following things are included in site traffic plan;

  • The categorization of traffic
  • Traffic access permissions
  • Route restrictions
  • Hours of operation
  • risk assessment
  • Parking locations and restrictions
  • Enforcement and escalation procedure

Categorization of the Traffic

The exact categorization of the traffic depending on the site but the security staff must aware of the types of traffic that can expect to the workplace. There are 2 major categories of traffic in each organization;

  1. Vehicles
    • Light vehicles;
      • Cycles
      • Motorcycles
      • Bicycles
      • Scooter
      • Cars
      • Sedan
      • Wagon
      • Van
      • SUV
    • Medium vehicles;
      • 20 seat coach
      • Flatbed truck
      • Ambulance
      • Forklift
    • Heavy Vehicles;
      • Tourist coach
      • Fuel tanker
      • Cement truck
      • Firetruck
    • Special purpose;
      • Hazardous material transport
      • Wide load transport
      • Crane
  2. Pedestrian
      • Able-bodied
      • Elderly
      • People of determination

Traffic access permissions

To maintain safety in the site it may require the separation of the traffic when they come in and exit. You may find in the large organization, vehicles and pedestrians need to use the different- different routes.

The site traffic management plan should include where and which types of traffic allows and disallows. The traffic access permission can control as follows;

  • barriers between pedestrian walkway and vehicle routes
  • Markings painted on pavement requesting bicycles and pedestrians keep to either side
  • Bollards between parking areas and public waiting areas
  • Separate access lanes for heavy vehicles and light vehicle

Route restrictions

In your workplace, you may find the traffic management plan with the map, and the map should mark off the routes of the traffics and restricted area. As a security staff, you need to learn the site traffic plan to enforce the company’s policy for traffic control. Example; of the traffic zones;

  • Ambulance loading zones at hospital
  • Passenger pick and drop zones at airports
  • Goods delivery area companies
  • pedestrian walking routes
  • Heavy vehicles restricted area

Hours of operation

The security staff should aware of the routes operation time, the traffic management plan may guide you about the time of the route open and close. For example; Some of the organization allows the delivery of the goods in the receiving area by 3 pm, maybe after 5 pm the visitor may not allow come into the office.

Risk assessment;

The site traffic management plan designed base on the risk assessment. The separation of the traffic, maintaining the access permission, and determining the site operation time are designed upon risk calculation.

Depending on the risk level the traffic management plan could be changed including the permission routes, types of traffic, and operation time, etc.

 Parking locations and restrictions

Parking control is a basic factor in traffic management. Any type of traffic ends up parking somewhere on the site. Understanding what types of traffic can park where help you to enforce traffic control policy.

Designation of the parking zones;

The engineer designed the parking area of the organization, it may be vary depending on the space and habits of the users. The parking area may be laid out;

  • Multi-story
  • Open
  •  Kerbside

A well-designed parking zone may include the following things

  • Blast safety distance from priority assets or buildings
  • Enough space to maneuver a recovery vehicle
  • Parking bays marked
  • 100% CCTV monitoring
  • Well lighting
  • Location sign-posted
  • Limits and restrictions sign-posted

traffic management system;

There are various parking management systems to implement the site, frequently uses in the public parking are

  • Access control
    • Automated barrier
    • Pop up bollards
  • Parking duration monitoring
    • Number plate recording
    • Access token
    • Barcoded ticket
    • Parking bay sensors
  • Occupancy management
    • Automated zone closure
    • Empty bay indicator
    • Empty bay counters

Although these above technologies are integrated into the security control room, security staff need to conduct patrol to inspect the parking location. When you are on patrol in the parking area make sure;

  • Vehicles are parking in the permitted area
  • Verify authorization of parked vehicles
  • Deter antisocial or criminal behavior
  • Enforce time limits
  • Identify suspicious vehicles or security risks
  • Identify health and safety concerns
  • Maintain situational awareness within the site

Enforcement of the traffic management policies;

Security staff has granted the power to enforce the traffic policy from the company management and some places from civil law. Understanding the site policy, playing the authoritative roles, reporting the violation, and taking action for compliance is the importance of traffic management.

Advance Security Course

Basic security course


  1. I didn’t realize that security guards could help with traffic management at a place of business. It was mentioned that they are able to enforce any of the regulations put in place by the business owner. It would be interesting to see what training they are put through before they can direct traffic.


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