roles and responsibilities of a security guard


Last Updated on October 1, 2024 by Ranga

The roles and responsibilities of a security guard cover many tasks, but their main duties fall into three responsibilities. They take on different roles depending on the specific site requirements to effectively carry out these responsibilities.

Security Guard Responsibilities

1. Protection of People;

Protecting people from immediate threats is the primary responsibility of a security guard. Whether you’re serving as a bodyguard for VIPs or stationed duty in an office environment, your main task is to safeguard individuals from safety hazards and criminal activities. Your roles in the protection of people are as follows;

  • Identifying Safety Hazards: By finding physical, mechanical, chemical, biological, electrical, and environmental hazards in the workplace, you can prevent accidents and save lives. Know your site well and be observant during patrols to spot any potential dangers. If you find something, report it to the relevant person and ensure it’s fixed immediately.
  • Preventing Crime: Stay vigilant to detect and deter crimes against people by taking immediate action when necessary.
  • Handling Emergencies: In case of fire, flood, earthquake, or other natural hazards, remain calm and follow the site’s safety plan. If evacuation is required, guide people calmly toward the designated exit routes.

2. Protection of Properties;

Another key responsibility is to protect the properties you’re guarding. You can fulfill this by:

  • Addressing Safety Threats: Identify hazards like fire risks, bombs, or damaged parts of the property, and take action before they cause destruction.
  • Preventing Sabotage: Be attentive and alert at all times to detect and deter any attempts at property sabotage.
  • Inspecting Entries and Exits:  Inspect people and vehicles entering and exiting the site to ensure they do not bring in or take out any unauthorized materials.

3. Protection of Information;

In the digital age, safeguarding a company’s data and classified information is crucial. Your roles include:

  • Securing Workstations: Even if you’re not involved with computerized work, ensure that computers aren’t left open after office hours.
  • Monitoring Unusual Behavior: Observe employees who arrive early or stay late without sufficient work reasons. This type of employee might be the cause of the classified data leakage.
  • Preventing Unauthorized Access: If you find employees using others’ computers, scrutinize their actions to prevent potential breaches.
  • Maintaining Access Control: The security guard possesses doors’  keys and is aware of the passkey of the mechanical doors you should not share them with anyone. Make sure only authorized personnel access restricted areas.

While there are many roles and responsibilities of a security guard, they all relate to the protection of people, properties, and information. You’re always expected to meet these responsibilities by performing your duties appropriately.


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