Observation skills and recording the detail notebook.


Last Updated on December 21, 2021 by Ranga

The observation skills are the most powerful equipment to deter and detection of possible risks or dangers in the workplace. When you observe the unusual things could be threatening to the safety and security of the people and the property.

While on Duty you should use your 5 senses to detect the security risks, hazards or criminal activities against the people and the property. Your 5 senses are an important part of the observation skills.

  • Eye=Sight – Detect unusual activities through visual perception.
  • Ear=Hearing – Identify the abnormal sound surrounding area
  • Nose=Smell – detect unusual occurrences through environmental fragrant.
  • Skin=Touch – Identify the hazards and risks by touching the surfaces, packages, and people.
  • Tongue=Taste – This method should use in the limit to detect security issues.

What needs to be observed?

Shape – Recognize the object through shape.

Shadow – Draw the attention to the shadow.

Surface – The surface of the object may shine and can contrast with a surrounding background.

Spacing – The space between the object should be drawn your attention, because, the things that come with natural does not have space.

Silhouette – There will be a familiar or identifiable figure in your workplace. Focus on the unfamiliar figures.

Movement – It is very strong above all, the movement can help you to detect the object.

Remembering in details;

Remembering in detail is another important skill a security guard must-have. Practicing and training can help to develop this ability. Use of the following techniques those help you to remember the incident in details;

Creating the story involving each piece of the information helps you retain the information in detail. This method used to recall the items that you have observed and put them together to construct the story.

Noting observations in the notebook.

When you noting the observation should be based on facts and order methodically. Your report should not reflect your assumption rather than facts. Anyone who reads your note can access the facts, so, the assumption should avoid on your note, because, it leads to a bias.

  • A fact: is any detail that can be proven to be true
  • An assumption: is an interpretation of a situation without definite proof
Facts Assumptions
The weather is clear now Today the weather will be good
The gate was unlocked The criminal might break into the house

Recording detail about the people and vehicles;

Security staff frequently requires recording the detail of the person and the vehicles to assist in passing the information for investigation and incident reporting. There have several methods developed for capturing useful information regarding the people and vehicles.

Recording details about people

The A to H method is mostly used to record the detail about the people for the security notebook.

  • A – Age (within 18 years + or )
  • B – Build (fat, thin, muscular, etc.)
  • C – Clothing
  • D – Defining features (Tattoos, scars, jewelry, etc.)
  • E – Elevation (height of the person)
  • F – Face (shape i.e. long, square, round)
  • G – Gait (how they walk, limp, etc.)
  • H – Hair (color, length)

Recording details about vehicles

The method uses to describe the vehicles is “SCRIM” a quick format easy to pass the information about the vehicles.

  • S – Shape (Sedan, SUV, Truck, etc.)
  • C – Colour
  • R – Registration (Plate number and Emirate)
  • I – Identify features (Scratches, dents, smoking exhaust, upgraded parts, etc.)
  • M – Make and model

Conclusion: good observation skills are not seeing something but also understand what you have seen. The key to security awareness is the observation that can achieve from the knowledge of surrounding areas. Your important observations should be recorded in the notebook and report to the supervisor if it is needed.

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