museum security guard online course free.

Last Updated on May 27, 2020 by James R. Cole

The museum security guard responsible for the protection of the museum and cultural sectors. Your country may have a wide range of art and museums with high profiles and rear form.

The exhibition may be held from time to time and the items to display may transport from different locations or countries. When the items are coming in and out the security should secure the roots for the loading and uploading the exhibits. In this case, the exhibits should treat as other valuables and protect them from

  1. Theft;

 It is the constant threat and the security staff must be vigilant against the possible theft. The museum and cultural center have several types of security layers the museum security guard should aware of it.

  1. Counterfeit;

The theft or crime rings can replace the genuine exhibits with the counterfeit copies. This can detect by the help of the specialist in the field, but security staff should be aware of the suspicious activities while transporting the exhibits.

  1. Willful damage;

There may be occasions where a visitor or member of staff attempts to cause damage to exhibits or items of cultural significance. This may be due to;

  • Political or social disagreements
  • Disgruntled employment
  • Juvenile behavior

Security staff should be aware of any person carrying the means to cause damage or behaving in a way that the intent to cause damage is suspected.

  1. Environmental damage

Aside from direct threats such as theft, damage, and counterfeit exhibits, there are further sources of risk.

Museum security systems

  1. Vibration sensors
    • Placed behind exhibits or paintings
    • Set off alarms with a very light touch
    • can notify the control room of location for response
  2. Exhibit inventory numbers
    • Unique numbers to record each item on display and kept in a register
    • Can be used to verify claims of found stolen items
    • The register can keep detailed information about each exhibit that proves it’s genuine
  3. Exhibit fixings
    • Items such as paintings, sculptures and other movable exhibits can be bolted to walls or the floor to increase the difficulty of theft
  4. Glass casings
    • Clear plastic or glass casing can be used to prevent touching of sensitive items
    • The cases can be alarmed to alert if any tampering takes place
  5. Environmental sensors
    • Fire and smoke
    • Temperature controls
    • Humidity sensors
  6. Viewing gaps
    • Low rails around the perimeter of an exhibit
    • Changes in flooring to signify „no go‟ areas
  7. Motion sensors
    • Large areas of rooms can cover
    • Alarms sent to the control room with location
    • Can cover areas not often used by visitors e.g.
      • Ventilation ducts
      • Delivery bays
      • Storage and maintenance areas
  8. CCTV Cameras
      • Used to monitor the site by security staff
      • Record evidence and deter criminals
      • Used to conduct surveillance of potential criminals at face identification level

Incident response options

Critical incident response In the event of a critical incident, Security staff will follow established SOPs. A good guide for actions to take if an exhibit alarm activates is;

  • If on duty in the alarm location, seal all entry and exit from the hall, zone, or area.
  • Control visitors and organize them into orderly groups
  • Attempt to confirm if the alarm is legitimate or false
  • Relay any information gained to the Control room
  • We await the arrival of support from Security colleagues and police.

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