airport security guard free course


Last Updated on May 27, 2020 by Ranga

An Airport security guard deployed to provide protective services to the airport, staff, passengers, assets, and procedures. Airport security is regulated by several international
conventions and codes of practice, along with local policies and practices.

An Airport security guard should be aware of these regulations both for compliance purposes and for the efficient provision of security services.

Airport and airline are high-value targets for the potential threat because it represents the national capability, well-developed societies, and economic stability.

If an attack or security breaches in the airport receive the widespread media coverage along with disruption of financial and reputation losses.


  • ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organisation
  • IATA – International Air Transport Association
  • ACI – Airports Council International

Aviation security threats and risks;

  • Terrorism
  • Sabotage
  • Theft and organized crime
  •  Insider threats
  •  Cyber and I.T Network attacks

Aviation hazards

  • Extreme noise
  • Moving vehicles
  • Aircraft engine exhaust
  •  Fume inhalation

Airport security operations

security is achieved at airports through a system of access zones, security clearance
of employees, and technologies. Airport divided into several security zones and control access through;

  • Wearing of ID
  •  Access cards for doors
  •  Keys and locks

Agencies involved in airport security;

  • Police
  • Airline staff
  •  Customs and immigration
  •  Private security
  •  Vigilant citizens

Primary security zones in the Airport

  • Airside – the area that aircraft and supporting machines and equipment operate, e.g.
    • runway
    • tarmac
    • baggage
    • loading and fueling trucks
  •  Terminal – The check-in, immigration and security screening, and departure or arrival

Within these 2 major zones, the airport may be divided into further security zones with different levels of access control. A security guard at the airport must be aware of access control measures and authorized personnel at a specific location.

Passenger and baggage inspections; 

One of the most important security measures in the airport is the inspection of passengers and their belonging. Generally, customs officers perform these tasks, however, a security guard at the airport needs to assist them, that’s why knowing the passenger screening process, an airport security guard can accomplish the expected tasks.

The passenger screening in the airport divides in three-component which are as following;

  1. Checkpoint entry 
    • Pre-inspection and queue zone
    • Bag unpack and inspection zone
  2. Inspection point
  3. Repacking zone 
    • Seating and tables for repacking
    • Inspection tray return

Security personnel may require to direct the passenger to each zone and to assist the immigration officer in the secondary inspection of suspicious items.

Duties and responsibilities of an airport security officer

  1. Duties at the checkpoint entry
    • The direction of passengers through the queuing area
    • Notifying passengers of security rules and regulations
    • Assisting passengers to arrange their belongings on the x-ray tray
    • Looking for suspicious people or items
  2. Duties at the Inspection point 
    • X-Ray operation and inspection
    • Walk Through Metal Detector
    • Physical searching of people
    • Secondary searching of bags
    • Explosive or narcotics trace detection
  3. Duties at the repacking zone
    • Return of inspection trays
    • Looking for suspicious activity
  4. Aircraft security
    • provide physical security for aircraft that are parked on the tarmac.
    • provides physical security during ;
      • refueling
      • passenger loading
      • Passenger unloading
      •  baggage handling process

Safety consideration while providing security to the aircraft;

      • Health and safety around aircraft
        • Noise
        • Jet engine exhaust
        • Propellers
      • Safe distances from the aircraft
      • Routes that support vehicles are traveling on e.g. refuel trucks, baggage trucks, etc.
      • Mobile passenger bridges

Aviation security is a specialized field, and some Security personnel will spend their careers gaining additional expertise and experience in this area. Threats and risks are continuously changing, and new methods of protection and prevention are developed.

More topic from us: Port security duties and responsibilities

Advance Security Course

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