Last Updated on October 19, 2020 by James R. Cole
This advance security guard training is designed to provide more skills than the basic security knowledge to the candidates. I suggest that you take basic security guard training if you’re new to the security role.
This is a summarization of the advance security guard training if you want to go into detail then click the link in blue and color you would access the full lesson.
Security Guard Training
Module 1: First Aid
- BLS – Basic Life Support
- Primary Care = Airway, Breathing, Circulation, and Resuscitation
- CPR – Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
- AED – Automated External Defibrillator
- A choking casualty that makes no noise is in serious trouble.
- If a casualty has been hit on the head and blood from the nose is this May indicate a skull fracture. This is very serious and emergency so should be called immediately.
- Do not touch the casualty while the AED is analyzing the heartbeat will interfere with electrical signals.
- Be aware of water when using the AED, for example at the pool in a bathroom this Presents an electrocution hazard.
- If you think that the casualty has a spinal injury not to move them, Instead, Gently open the jaw to provide airways and seek immediate medical assistance.
What does mean AVPU?
- A for Alert
- V for Voice
- P for Pain
- U for Unresponsive
POS of first aid;
- Preserve life
- Prevent further harm
- Promote recovery
- First Aid is the care given to a casualty until qualified medical personnel takes over.
- If the casualty is catastrophic bleeding, this must be treated as a priority.
DRSABCD stands for
- D = Danger
- R = Response
- S = send for help
- A = Airway
- B = Breathing
- C = CPR
- D = Defibrillator
- Age range for infant 0 to 1 year
- If there is any object stuck in the wound, leave it in place, and don’t remove that.
Module 2: Fire Safety
- A fire can double in size every 40 seconds.
- Available oxygen in the Air is 21%.
- The required for human use of oxygen is 20%.
- Required for Fire only 16%.
- Fire does not respect anything or anyone.
- The average response time within to fire is 10 – IS minutes.
- 25% of fires are attributed to smoking cigarettes.
- Fire triangle = for a fire to start, three things must be present. These three things form a Combination known as the fire triangle.
- Heat
- Fuel
- Oxygen
There are three methods of controlling a fire.
- Starving
- Smothering
- Cooling
Classes of fire
1- Class A– Solid materials (E.g. Wood, paper fabric plastic)
2- Class B – Liquid (E.g. petrol, oil, grease, diesel, kerosene)
3- Class C– Gas (E.g. methane, butane, and propane)
4- Class D– Metal (E.g. sodium, magnesium, Aluminum, and potassium)
5- Class E – Electrical
There are 4 methods of fire spread
- Convection
- Conduction
- Radiation
- Direct burning
- Firefighting equipment has divided into 2 categories, portable and fixed. The security guard will usually use portable equipment to fight the fire.
Examples of portable extinguisher
- Fire extinguisher
- The Fire blanket
- Fire bucket
Examples of fixed equipment.
- Sprinkler systems
- Hose reels
- Hydrants
- CO2 – Carbon Dioxide
- DCP – Dry Powder
- Never use water on a flammable liquid fire -it will spread the fire.
- When using foam to fight fat or oil fires, aim to the side and allow the foam to spread over the base of the fire.
- The CO2 is compressed gas.
- Never use a fire extinguisher on a person.
- Extinguishers control a fire by Smothering or cooling the fire.
- All extinguishers have a pressure gauge except for CO2.
- The contents of a fire extinguisher are known as the Agent.
- Colour code and range of extinguishers
- Water (Red color) Range 10 to 12 meters.
- Foam (yellow color) Range 3 meters.
- C02 (Black color) Range 1 To 3 meters.
- DCP (Blue color) Range 2 to 6 meters.
- The method of use of fire extinguishers is PASS.
- Pull – pull the safety pin from the lever of the extinguisher
- Aim – direct the nozzle or spout toward the base of the fire
- Squeeze – activate the trigger of the extinguisher
- Sweep – move the stream of extinguisher from side to side
- Keep your hands clear of the nozzle when using c02 extinguishers, as the compressed gas is 78 degrees Celsius and will cause serious damage to the skin.
After discovering fire a standard method of
- Rescue
- Alert
- Confine
- Extinguish
Before attempting to fight a fire ensure that
- Your escape route is not blocked
- Active the test burst before approaching the fire.
- Assume that you will fail and be prepare scape.
- When you are going to fight with fire keep 2 routes for your escape.
- Assembly point = Designate an area to evacuate in case of an emergency.
- Arson = deliberate criminal act of starting the fire.
- The primary uses of the fire extinguisher are;
- To control a small fire a large
- Protect evacuation route that a fire may block
Lesson – 1
Lesson – 2
Lesson – 3
Module 3: Health and Safety – OHS
- Identification and reporting of hazards by everybody is the key to achieving health and safety success.
- A hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm,
- The security guard should always be looking to identify anything that could cause harm.
Categories of hazard are 11.
- Slips, trips, and falls
- Falling objects
- Collision with objects
- Trapping between objects
- Manual handling
- Machinery and Vehicles
- Electricity
- Hazardous substances
- Fire and explosion
- Noise and vibration
- Psycho-Social
- MSDS– Material Safety Data Sheet.
- Near miss – An unplanned, undesired event that has the potential cause Injury, damage, or loss but does not do so.
- Risk Assessment – A methodical examination of what could cause harm to people and the evaluation of how hazards could be controlled.
Primary methods of risk assessment.
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
- Risk – Is the likelihood (chance) of a chance of harm.
- Severity -A scale used to describe the consequence of harm taking place.
- Risk Calculation – A risk (Likelihood x Severity Risk)
- 5 steps of risk assessment are;
- Identify the hazards
- Who could be harmful, and how?
- Evaluate risk and control methods
- Record and apply the recommendation
- Review and update if required.
- Risk Matrix: A grid of risk score, based on likelihood and severity of hazard causing harm.
Hierarchy of control
- Eliminate – remove the hazard completely
- Substitute – replace the source of the hazard
- Isolate – Guard or control the hazard
- Administrate – change policy or procedures
- PPE– Use protective safety equipment
- ALARP = Low as Reasonably Practical
There is a concept of reducing existing risk to a level that is as low as reasonably practical (ALARP)
Safety signs and symbols Divided into 5 categories.
- E = escape and emergency equipment
- F = fire safety
- M = mandatory action
- P = Prohibited
- W = Warning
Module 4: Security Role and Responsibilities
- Ethics: Moral principles that guide a person’s behavior and activities the knowledge of what is right and wrong.
- Professionalism – The qualities of a person that can includes
- Personal appearance
- Reliability
- Competence
- Attitude
There are 4 main points to follow when dealing with a person:
- Call the police
- Identify yourself as a security guard
- Request that the suspect cooperates
- Inform the suspect of the reason for detaining them
- Child – A person who is under 18 years old.
- Red handed – Crime directly witnessed by a person
- Self-defense – Use of force to protect yourself from harm
- The security guard has 2 power’s (Arrest, Self-defense)
- Offender – A person that commits a crime, or misdemeanor
4 D’S of physical security
- Deter
- Detect
- Delay
- Deny
- professionalism Standards of
- Personal presentation
- equipment
- Traits of a professional Security
- Attitude
Organizational impact of physical security (Benefits to Organizations)
- improved organizational resilience
- Peace of mind
- Improve reputation
- Security guards prevent crime simply by doing duty this is known as presenting a hard target.
- Security staff should always be aware of the welfare of children and make sure to act in the best interests of children.
The hierarchy of zones is 5.
- Public Zone
- Reception Zone
- Operations Zone
- Security Zone
- High-Security Zone
- There are 2 types of security.
- Public security (police, army, Civil Defense)
- Private security (security companies, Training institutes)
- Security staff must be prepared to share relevant details and information with the Police when they arrive and take control of an incident.
Module 5: Control room operations
- A security control room is a common way to centralize security resources and operation activities.
- The area without CCTV coverage is a blind spot.
- Map of each location marked on it. With practice and experience,
- A clear defined chain of command will reduce confusion and ensure that the passes information across the team flows in a coordinated manner.
Personal Space
- Close intimate 15cm Spouse and family
- Intimate 15-45cm
- Personal 46cm-1.2m Business or casual
- Social 1.2 – 3.6m Unfamiliar people
- Public 3.6m +
CCTV Operator duties
- Daily system checks
- Live video monitoring
- Video patrolling
- Live incident tracking
- Retrieving recorded images
Security and access control
- Staff permissions
- Visitor access control
- Physical entry control
- Technologies and systems that are found in a security control room
- Access control and parking management
- Building management systems
- Security alarms and sensors
- PTZ Cameras means (pan, Tilt, and Zoom)
10, Thermal vision camera (used in heated places)
- ANPR cameras (Automatic Number Plate Recognition)
- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
- BMS (Building management systems)
- HVAC (Heating, Venting, and cooling)
- It is recommended that a CCTV operator monitor the video feeds on a 5- Minute cycle,
Radio types
- Handheld
- Vehicle
- Base station
- An area without Radio Coverage is called a black spot.
- It is good practice to allow the ongoing radio conversation to finish, rather than interrupting. Only acceptable to intercept when there are safety and security issue that is a priority.
- To achieve a clearly ns the following points should be remembered
- Rhythm
- Speed
- Volume and
- Pitch
- Information security – being protected against the unauthorized use of information, including electronic data, and the measures are taken to achieve this.
Information security threats
- Physical Access
- Digital Access
Methods of physical information destruction.
- Burning
- Pulping
- Shredding
- Cross shredding
Digital information destruction
- Granulation
- Degaussing
- It is vital that the shift hand over is done in an overlapping method, known as relief in place. The incoming Security staff will arrive at individual posts to relieve the Outgoing staff, achieving 100% security coverage at all times.
- If a bomb threat is received in the security control room:
- Signal to others that a bomb threat is in progress according to SOPs (the control room supervisor will arrange for the police to be called)
- Remain calm and be courteous to the caller
- Donut interrupt the caller
- Try to keep the caller talking
- Complete the bomb threat checklist
- Evacuate the threatened area according to SOPs
- DVR = Digital Video Recorder
- NVR = Network Video Recorder
- SOPs – Standard Operating Procedures
- Control room – Central operations room of a site
- CCTV – Closed Circuit Television
- Target – Suspect, or person of interest
- Monitoring – Continuous viewing of the situation of a target.
Module 6: Patrolling
- Taking a tour of the property is called patrol,
The 4 P’s of patrolling
- Protection of life
- The Protection properties and premises
- Protection of loss and waste
- Prevention and determine the crime
Methods of patrolling
- Walking patrol
- Vehicle patrol
- Remote technology patrol
- Site security plans: patrol maps and patrol instructions can be found in a site’s Security Control Room.
- Security patrols can be divided into 3 phases:
- Preparation
- Conduct
- Completion
- While on patrol Security guard will complete a series of checks to ensure the safety and security of the site.
Module 7: Observation & Note-taking
- Evidence: Evidence is any sample, item, or recording that will support a point of view. A fact – is any detail that can be proven to be true.
- An assumption – is an interpretation of a situation without definite proof as security doesn’t believe in assumptions).
- When completing entries in the official notebook the following basic principles
- clear
- concise
- consistent
- complete
- factual
- When writing Notebook remember 5W & 1H.
- While on duty, Security staff can make the human sense to assist in the detection of possible risks or dangers.
- Sight
- Hearing
- Taste
- Smell
- Touch
- Humans are able to detect visually in response to 6 characteristics
- Shape
- Shadow
- Surface
- Spacing
- Silhouette
- Movement
- The method developed for recording details about peoples is called “A & H”
- A= Age
- B= Build (fat, Thin)
- C= Clothing
- D= Defining features (Tattoo jeweler etc.)
- E= Elevation (Height of the person)
- F= Face
- G= Gait (how they walk, limp, etc.)
- H= Hair
- The method used to record details vehicles is called “SCRIM”
- S – Shape (Sedan, SUV, and Truck, etc.)
- C – Color
- R – Registration (Plate number and Emirate)
- I – Identify features (Scratches, dents, etc.)
- M – Make and model
- Security staff should always let the Police handle evidence as to the priority. Only if Circumstances require immediate intervention to preserve the evidence Should Security staff handle any evidence?
- The official notebook must be cared for as it holds status as a legal document. Security staff may be required to take statements from witnesses after an incident has occurred.
There are 4 principles of incident scene preservation.
1- Prevent scene contamination
2- Prevent evidence destruction
3- Prevent evidence movement
4- Prevent evidence removal
The following six steps should be followed when physically handle any types of evidence.
- Collection
- Securing
- Preservation
- Identification
- Continuity of custody
- Logging
Many systems are available to assist Security staff in the accurate recording of information at the site;
- Body Cameras Handheld camera
- Mobile phone
- CCTV Footage
- Audio recorder
- Drone
Module 8: Traffic management
- Traffic – the passage of people or vehicles along designated routes.
- A site-specific traffic plan will be produced by the HSE and/or Security manager for that site.
Traffic is divided into 2 categories.
- Pedestrian
- Vehicles
- Security staff must have a strong knowledge of what type of traffic is permitted to Travel along routes within the site, and understand restrictions to properly enforce the traffic management policy.
- Parking management is a common part of traffic management at a site, as most traffic will end up parking somewhere within a site,
- When directing to traffic Give directions from the front of the vehicle NOT from behind.
- There may be occasions when Security staff are required to give manual directions to traffic at a site,
- To direct traffic movement, 6 basic maneuvers have been identified e.g. Signals with hands to direct the traffic).
Module 9: Vehicle searching
- Search bay – An area specifically designed to is called search bay,
- Traffic controller -The person responsible for directing vehicles forward in a queue to be searched or not is called the traffic controller.
- Searcher: The person or people responsible for physically inspecting the vehicles is called a searcher.
- The security guards can only search for vehicles for consent.
- PPE = (Personal protectives equipment.
- The driver may refuse the vehicle search in that case security guard should deny the entry or exit of the vehicle.
- After the Driver search security guards have to make a report and inform to the supervisor or concern department.
- When on as a vehicle searcher, Security staff must inform drivers if a search of the vehicle is the search of the vehicle is required of access to the site or area. This can be achieved through this can achieve verbal communication or sign.
Vehicle search tools
- Mirror
- Torch
- Gloves
- Traffic cone
- Lane barrier
- Vehicle search technologies
- Under vehicle camera scanner
- Complete vehicle x-ray
- Explosive / Narcotics trace detector
- Use of canines for vehicle search (Dogs for search)
- Low-risk sites driver may remain in the vehicle.
- High-risk sites it’s very important to remove the driver from the vehicle.
- Searching with a partner can be very effective as it offers 2 sets of eyes on every/ section of the car.
- During the search, if prohibited items or goods found it must be processed as evidence, and the Security guard should take photos of the items in the position found.
- Never let a driver put their hands where they cannot be seen. They may be accessing a weapon or removing prohibited items.
- Direct the driver to open internal storage compartments, bonnet, and boot and fuel compartment.
Module 10: Person searching
- Consent – the agreement given by a person who has been asked if they or their belongings can be searched.
- Screening – routine inspection of people and belonging passing through a screening point like a metal detector and x-ray.
- Screening point – the point of entry edit or transmission within a site where people are required to be searched.
- Physical search: inspection through the hand to people and belongings.
- Visual search – visual inspection without physical contact.
- The search may be done male to male and female to female after consent.
- Self-search – display of item to the Guard.
- The aim of the search people at the site or a facility is to protect people, property, and information and preventing prohibited or dangerous items from entering the site.
Part of the person search area zone is five.
- pre-screening & queue zone
- packing area
- Search zone
- Follow up a search area
- Repacking and exit zone
- The search for females should be done in segregated areas.
- Tools for searching for people
- Walk-through metal detector
- Hand-held metal detector
- Baggage X-Ray
- Particle detectors (Explosives, narcotics)
- Person scanning X-Ray
- Person thermal scanning
- Detection capabilities
- Pistol – 22cm distance
- Knife – 15cm distance
- Razorblade 7cm distance
- Foil wrapping – 3cm distance
- Small jeweler – 3cm distance
- A separate room or enclosed area can be used if the search requires the removal of the items of clothing or cultural or religious garments,
- With an x-ray machine, we can recognize items with color and shape
Colors used for X-Ray display are:
- Blue – Hard materials including metal, hard plastic,, etc.
- Orange – Organic materials including rubber, leather, food, explosive liquid, gel, and powder.
- Green – Light plastic, soft metal alloy
The physical body searching process can be divided (into two steps).
- Preparation to search
- Performing the search
Using hands, physically inspect the 8 zones of the person
- Head, hair, and headwear
- Collar
- Right arm
- Left-arm
- Front of torso and ways
- Right groin e.g. Leg Angle and foot
- Left groin e.g. Leg angle and foot
- Four items that canines are trained to detect.
- Explosive
- Narcotic
- Cash
- Organic materials (food, plant, etc.)
Module 11: Access control
- ACP – Access control point
- RFID – Radio-frequency identification
There are 3 basic principles of any access control system:
- Access permission
- Identity verification
- Controlled entry
Access control technologies
- Mechanical
- Electronic
Mechanical access control options
- Manual barrier
- Chain barrier
- Remote barrier
- Sliding gate
Electronic access control technologies
- RFID card and reader
- Passcode access keypad
- Fingerprint reader
- Eye scanner
ACP for a site or building will include three specific zones
- Approach zone
- Access control zone
- Response zone
- Security staff must ensure that the currently approved policies are followed, and a copy will be kept at the access control point in the security control room.
Module 12: Conflict management
- Conflict – a state of disagreement between opposing ideas, people of interest.
- Resolution – solving the state of conflict with the outcome agreed on the outcome by all parties.
Sources of conflict
- Internal work team
- External sources
- One of the most common causes of conflict in the workplace is poor communication.
Communication is divided into two categories
- Verbal
- Nonverbal
Methods of conflict resolution are 5,
- Collaboration method
- Compromised method
- Competition method
- Accommodation strategy
- Avoidance strategy
- Security staff can use 4 basic steps to deal with a personal conflict between themselves and others.
SLOW Means
- S= Set the tone
- L= Listen and acknowledge
- O= Observe and organize
- W= Work towards resolution
- The HR department is responsible for developing conflict management policies.
Full Lesson
Module 13: Critical incident response
- Critical incident – an incident that may cause serious harm to the people, property,, and information.
- Physical intervention – the use of physical force to prevent harm and ensure the safety and security of people, property, or information.
- Cordon – A temporary perimeter established or access and exit from an
- Critical incidents divided into 2 categories
- Man-made
- Natural
- A security cordon is sometimes called the secure perimeter.
The Security cordon is known as the 4 C
- Confirm
- Clear
- Cordon
- Control
You Bomb threat in three forms.
- Received by phone
- handwritten note
- A spacious package or device may be received by delivery or left unattended. Signs of a suspicious device.
- Do not use a radio or mobile phone – radio signals may trigger the detonation of a bomb.
- Site-specific training drills should be carried out at least every’ 3 months.
- A security cordon can be used to control an incident site, and provide greater situational awareness of what is happening both within and outside of the cordon.
- When an incident has been resolved, and the area has been deemed safe to re-enter, the security cordon may be collapsed.
Module 14: Cash in transit
- CIT – Cash in Transit, the movement of cash, or other valuable items.
- CIT Crew – Security staff who have at least I year of experience in general security and are trained in CIT operations
- The CIT Crew leader – The member of the CIT crew who is in charge of the task
- CIT Container – The box or case in which cash or valuables are transport
- The Cash center – Where the collected cash and valuables are stored is called the cash center.
- ATM – Automated Teller Machine
- Pavement – the area between the Armored vehicle and the point of cash delivery,
CIT has 3 principles for operating
- Stay safe
- Do not discuss the work
- Stay in the vehicle
responsibilities of a C-I-T team is divided into 2 categories
- Administration
- Operational
. 10. CIT team have 3 crew members one vehicle
- Driver
- Courier
- Escort
- In CIT team escort can be more than one.
The CIT operation can deviate into 2 parts:
- Vehicle mount
- Dismount on foot
- Parking and unloading from the armored vehicle presents a high risk for accident or
- When carrying out a CIT task, crews must be aware of the requirements of legal obligations, equipment and tools required, and logistic consideration.
- Drivers should ensure enough room to safely unload.
- Escort and courier should remain aware of other traffic using the area.
- Crews should take care of passing traffic or other roadside hazards when loading the CIT container.
- CIT crews should unload only 1 CIT container per trip to the transfer area.
Module 15: Bank security
- OPZ – Outer public zone
- IPZ – Inner public zone
- PZ – Private zone
- ATM – Automated teller machine.
- HVAC – Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.
- PIN – Personal Identification Number.
- Tiger kidnap – Kidnapping persons loved ones or relatives to force e out a crime to ensure the safety of the kidnapped person.
- Throughout history, banks have been seen as attractive targets form due to the potential for a high reward for their crimes.
Banking security zones
- OPZ – the outer public zone
- IPZ- the inner public zone
- PZ – the private zone
- The transition between Inner Public Zone and the private zone will always have a form of access control to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering.
- Professional and vigilant security staff will deter criminals from targeting the bank.
- Bank security staff should cooperate with arriving CIT crew to ensure that
- Secure parking is available
- Prescreen and approach to bank
- Inspect all three zone for potential threat
- CIT crew inspect for
- Ventilation IDS
- Correct documents
Module 16: Hospital security
- Infection control – steps are taken to reduce the chance of spreading infectious
- Caregiver – any personnel responsible for providing services to patients and their families.
Threats to hospital security
- A fire of any size
- Breach of information security & patient confidentiality
- Theft of medicinal supplies or equipment
- Abduction of children or babies
- Sabotage of life support equipment
- Contamination of food or water supplies
Hazards at a hospital
- Physical hazards
- Biological hazards
- Chemical hazards
- Psychological hazards
- Particular care must be taken by all members of staff to handle sharp items including needles with extreme care, and dispose of used needles in the designated containers.
- In some healthcare facilities, such a response is conducted by a team of experts that are dedicated to deal with hazardous spills.
Access control zones at hospitals
- Public zone
- Staff zone
- High-security zone
- Standard incident codes
- Amber: Missing infant or child
- Black: Bomb threat or suspect object
- Blue: Unresponsive adult medical emergency
- Brown: Hazardous material spill
- Gold : Utility / I.T failure
- Green: Internal disaster
- Grey: Severe weather
- Orange: External disaster
- Pink: Unresponsive child infant medical emergency
- Red: Fire or smoke
- Silver: Weapon or hostage situation
- White: Violent person
- Yellows: missing adult.
Stroke can be identified through the FAST method:
- F= Face: Ask the person to smile.
- A= Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms,
- S= Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase,
- T = Time: If these symptoms are present, quickly report the stroke alert to nurse staff.
- Security staffs are not required to carry belongings, aide people to walk, or push wheelchairs.
- Hear the story (of the upset person)
- Empathies with them
- Apologies for the fact they are upset
- Respond with suitable resolution options
- Thank them for their time and cooperation
- When greeting and welcoming visitors to the hospital facility, Security staff can follow the START method of customer service:
- S= Smile and greet
- T= Tell your name
- A= Actively listen
- R= Rapport and relationship building
- T= Thanking the person
- SCC: security control center
- HIMS: Hospital incident management system
Infection control measures at a hospital
- Hand hygiene
- Cough etiquette
- Using PPE
- Airborne infection precautions
- Textile and laundry handling
Module 17: Special event security
- VOC – Venue operations center
- Special event -A unique event evolving large gathering of people.
- Sponsor – The organization that contributes fund.
Roles and responsibilities of event security
- Static Duties
- Mobile duties
Hazards at a special event
- Structural failures
- Severe weather
- Hazard materials and substances
- Noise and vibration level
- Sun and heat exposure at outdoor events
- Fireworks and lasers
- Access control at events had different zones.
- Exclusive zone
- Outer perimeter zone
- Inner perimeter zone
- Inner event zone
- Event participant zone
- Basic principles of controlling access to a venue for special events.
- Public Zone
- Security screening
- Entry control
- Spectator placement
- If a venue is large and holds many visitors, an evacuation may need to be conducted in sections.
- A method of delaying and distributing crowds as they approach should be considered such as the use of zigzagging approach routes.
- IED: Improvise explosives device
- The consequences of poor security practices being broadcast by media may include:
- Legal action against negligent Security staff
- The damaged reputation of event organizers
- Financial loss due to withdrawal of event sponsorship
Critical incidents at special events
- Fire
- Terrorist attack
- Power failure
- Crowd crushing or panic
- Natural disasters e.g.
Full lesson
Module 18: Ports, Airports and n orders security
- Port – A geographical area located by sea for the logistics of maritime transport
- PFSO – Port Facility Security officer the person in charge of port security operations
- Airport – A geographic area designated to accommodate aircraft, passengers, cargo,, and maintenance operation.
- ATC –Air traffic control tower responsible for the guidance of all aircraft using the airport
- Airside -the airport in which aircraft move e.g., runways, taxiways, hangar, and apron
6 Border: agreed on the physical line between 2 or more nations.
- National border– The point at which a person is processed into a country e.g. Airport, portland border.
- Customs – The government agency responsible for the protection of a country through the regulation of incoming goods and people.
- Organizations and Agencies operating at Sea Ports Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE)
- Food Control Authority (FCA)
- Critical Infrastructure and Coastal Protection Authority (CICPA)
- Federal Customs Authority (FCA)
- Civil Defense (CD)
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- International Air Transport Association (IATA)
- ACI – Airports Council International
- Terminal – The check-in, immigration and security screening, and departure or arrival lounges.
- Airport Passenger inspection is normally divided into 3 components.
- Checkpoint entry
- Inspection point
- Repacking zone
- If an attacker is able to access non-passenger areas of an aircraft, very serious damage and death may be possible through sabotage, deliberate damage,, or other interference with the aircraft,
Aviation hazards
- Extreme noise
- Moving vehicles
- Aircraft engine exhaust
- Fume inhalation
Land border security threats
- People or groups who wish to harm the country
- Criminals
- Unauthorized migrants
Systems of security control at land borders divided into 3 zones
- The approach zone
- The access control zone
- The response zone
Module 19: Critical Infrastructure
- Critical infrastructure – Assets that are essential for the functioning of society and the economy IS called critical infrastructure.
- Desalination: The removal of salt and minerals from salt water to make it drinkable
- Generation – The production of electricity from sources of energy such as oil, gas or nuclear reactors.
What is the critical infrastructure?
- Nuclear power plants
- Oil and Gas
- Electrical grid distribution stations
- Water treatment and desalination facilities
- When working in high-risk areas, Security staff must observe the PPE requirements and wear protective equipment as appropriate.
Nuclear safety hazards
- Radioactive materials
- Ionizing radiation
- Security staff will inspect all vehicles and people entering and leaving a Nuclear Energy Plant.
Detection of radioactive material can be done using 3 type of detector:
- Pocket detecting device
- Handheld detector
- Automatic detector
Threats to security at water treatment facilities. include:
- Terrorism
- Political enemies
- Disgruntled employee
- Unsupervised visitor and contractor
High risk / critical incident
- Fire or explosion
- Suspicious or n
- Gas leak / Oil spill
Full lesson
Module 20: museum and Cultural Centre security
- Culture center -A place designed to exhibit cultural practices, traditions and
- Museum – A place devoted to the procurement, care study,, and display of objects of aging interest and value.
- Artifact – An object made by humans of historical or cultural significance is called Artefact.
- Counterfeit – Potential thieves or other organized crime rings may attempt to replace genuine exhibits with counterfeit copies, and these will normally be detected by specialists from that field.
- Specially trained museum staff will be permitted to handle artifacts and antiquities, and Security staff should not attempt to do so.
Museum and Cultural Centre security options
- Vibration sensors
- Exhibit inventory numbers
- Exhibit fixings
- Glass casings
- Environmental sensors
- Viewing gaps
- Motion sensors
- CCTV cameras
- Critical incident response at the museum or cultural center
In the event of a critical incident, Security staff will follow an established guide for actions to take if an exhibit alarm is activated is to:
- If on duty in the alarm location, seal all entry and exit from eh one or area.
- Control visitors and organize them into an orderly group
- Attempt to confirm if the alarm is legitimate or false
- Relay any information gained to the Control room
- Await the arrival of support from Security college and police.
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