ASSD Security New NSI Training in UAE


Last Updated on May 27, 2020 by Ranga

The full form of the ASSD is the axillary security service department in the United Arab Emirates. It is the federal government department responsible for supervising, licensing and enforcing rules and regulations to the security companies and security personnel in the country.

There has been a lot of change in the private security industries in the UAE since the Private Security Regulatory Authority was formed in 2001. From the beginning by today, the regulatory authority (PSBD) has changed its name twice as following;

  1. PSBD to PSCOD and
  2. PSCOD to ASSD

Why does the Security authority change its name?

The fact is unknown but we could see a few changes had been made along with the transformation of the name. Now let me explain the abbreviation of the names.

  • PSBD stands for Private Security Business Department
  • PSCOD stands for private security company organization department
  • ASSD stands for the Axillary security service department.

Although the name of the department has changed, NSI is the only organization that provides security guard training in the UAE except for Dubai.

Dubai has its own security guard system that is SIRA (Security Regulatory Authority) but the other Emirates for example; Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, Ajman, Fujairah, has adopted the ASSD or PSCOD privates security regulation that is the creation of Abu Dhabi government.

It is really important to make it clear to the people who are coming as a PSBD guard that some topics on the NSI training have added and course duration has also expanded once the latest ASSD initiative has been introduced.

If you are reading the old PSBD security guard model questions or other reading material it’s okay, because, they help you to achieve knowledge of security skills but may not be helpful in the licensing exam.

What is an ASSD meaning in UAE?

The ASSD is the government agency responsible for ensuring that the security personnel and security firms are compliant with the security regulations of the private sector. The following things have changed in NSI training since the new policy comes into force;

  1. Training has extended from 5 to 8 consecutive days.
  2. Some topics have changed
  3. Some new topics have added.
  4. The licensing test model questions are also new.
ASSD- Abu Dhabi;

The government of Abu Dhabi introduced private security legislation in 2001, while the other emirates followed from 2006. The Axillary security services department has the power of regulating security companies and personnel in the area where the previous name PSBD and PSCOD had been functioning.


The new security guard will undergo eight days of training at the National Security Institute (NSI) and pass the pre and final examination in order to continue the process for becoming the security guard in UAE.

NSI new course for 2020 

The national security institutes provide the typical course for the newly hired security guard base on the area they are going to work. The old security guard personnel also requires to get the refreshment training every 2 years.

The available NSI courses for the security guards;
  1. The basic security guard (BSG)
      • Event security
      • Hospital security
      • X-Ray screening
      • Cash in transit (CIT)
      • Security supervisor
      • Security manager
      • Sports facility security manager course
  2. General security courses
      • Fitness and self-defense
      • the operational security manager course
      • Monitoring system and control supervisor
      • Traffic management
      • Special course (port, Oil, and Gas)
      • monitoring and control system operator
      • Operation room staff and supervisor
  3. Course occupational health and safety
      • First Aid course
      • Infection prevention
      • Management safety
      • work safety
      • Conflict resolution
      • Control of substances hazardous to health
      • Customer services
      • Event security and crowd control
      • Fire prevention and safety prevention
      • Health and safety at the workplaces

All the above courses come with the different-different fees therefor your company will send you to take the course according your role.

Licensing process:

After completing the NSI training you should have to take the ASSD or PSCOD test and need to achieve the 75% marks out of 100%. The questions will come from the NSI training, so, it is very essential for each person to understand and achieve the knowledge of security skills from that training.

Conclusion: ASSD Security UAE is the new name of security regulatory authority and it works similarly to the PSBD, PSCOD there is nothing to new in the regulation but some new skills have been added in the training. The privates’ security authority department has changed its name from PSBD to PSCOD to ASSD you should not confuse about the different names.

More from us: Security guard test


  1. Dear respected sir/madam greetings. I’m a security guard in abudhabi last 10 years.If I apply for the new job as a security guard now they taking money from us.why they asking money..? please give a solution for this thank you


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